ThetaTrance Healing

Individual sessions are available ONLINE
Remote treatments over Skype or the phone are just as effective as individual personal sessions. In energy healing, distance is an irrelevant factor and has not influence on the result.
Experience the power of a ThetaTrance Healing session , now enhanced with a SOUL FREQUENCY Painting— a channeled energy portal created in a trance state specifically for you.

This one-of-a-kind artwork is infused with vibrational codes, anchoring the transformation of your ThetaTrance session. Designed to radiate and connect you with a portal of healing energy, it deepens alignment and supports ongoing shifts in mind, body, and soul long after your session. lEARN MORE...
The medium cannot provide a guarantee for the success of a session.
A ThetaTrance session must never be understood as a substitute for medical/medical treatments, but only as a supplement to them.
Treatment by a doctor or alternative practitioner and their prescribed medication must not be discontinued under any circumstances.
The treatment does not serve a diagnosis of physical or mental suffering.
Balsam, Healing & Energy
In a ThetaTrance Healing session, mind, soul and body are brought back into harmony through channele higher vibrating energies. The mind is freed from restrictive beliefs, the soul from old wounds and thus physical healing can also take place. You will be led back to your original being, where your self-healing powers are located and activated. Your own energy fields is reset to health and self-healing can start.
ThetaTrance requests the focused healing energy channeled by a medium to clear block, erase and change thoughts patterns in order to enhance the natural flow of physical energy.
ThetaTrance promotes personal empowerment, self-healing and spiritual growth as it allows go to reconnect with your source energy. By making these memories conscious through Energy healing, channeled message and/or paintings, you can clear the patterns that no longer serve you, freeing yourself to live more fully in the present.
Words, colours, forms have energy and can be used for unfoldment purposes.
How does it work
At mind level
We could say that our mind has a mind of its own. Sometimes our thoughts restricts our wellbeing by generating fears, problems. Sometimes it give us the possibility to move beyond what we thought impossible.
During a ThetaTrance session we let go of unsupportive beliefs. Self-created, lineage or even issued from a collectivity/society, they are self-limiting and not allowing further healing to happen.
The typical example are the medical statistics… you receive a diagnosis and unconsciously accept it as truth because “they” know what they are talking about.
We also download new supportive believe or feelings from Source or enhanced the qualities already present to create a new sense of wellbeing.
At soul level
You were not born as a blank slate, but as a soul rich with both the wisdom and scars from many lifetimes. Memories of the past charged with energy continue to affect you at an unconscious level and interfere in your daily life.
Souvenirs of things left undone, vows made, accomplishments, failures, mistakes, success, emotional debts, guilt, gratitude, traumatic and sudden deaths, wisdom, love impact the way you see, sense and live your present life.
Past life memories can create positive or negative patterns affecting our relationships, behaviors, motivations, and even our physical bodies and health.
Positive patterns feed talents, bestow wisdom, influence tastes, and energize life purpose.
Negative patterns fuel destructive, compulsive behavior, cloud judgment, cause injury, and block your way.
In accessing the akasha Chronic during the ThetaTrance we can integrate or erase past lives including also soul contracts and plans, download qualities or gifts we had. Recreate a new way of living in this lifetime.
It is my understanding that at this time in place, soul plan changes are allowed as well. As long as the lesson have been understood and the consciousness has arisen, the plan can be readapted, changed and creatively reunited with a new reality.
At body level
It has now been proven that most illnesses starts at an emotional level. if you are here you believe in energy so I would go a step further and say at an energy level. What are thoughts actually except energy?