ONLINE ThetaTrance Meditation
Change made easy
live every second Wednesday 8-9 pm (in German only - recording)
Words from THE COUNCIL about the meditations
"Although these meditations can be booked independently, you will experience a deeper change if you participate in all of them in the order in which they are offered.
Remember that everything we are is interconnected.
The path we suggest is the easier and smoother one."
The evening is open to all who desire healing, be it emotional or physical.
No previous knowledge is required, only the openness and willingness to welcome changes.
Time: from 8.00 pm till approx. 9.00 pm
Online with ZOOM. Learn here how to it works and what you need.
Investment: CHF 50 per person / per evening
MEDITATION SERIE: Priming to be the best version of yourself
Book all 6 meditations and pay only CHF 230
instead of CHF 300.-
You will receive all organizational details, and a link by email after your registration.
Just click on the button, give uns your full name, and address, email and the meditation you would like to participate to. THANK YOU
Please note that for organisational purpose we ask for registration. Thank you!
*All the frequencies, information clearings and downloads made during this channeled event are imprinted in this recording. There is no impact-difference if you participate live or listen to it afterwards. The energy field is free from time and space. Everything is alive, so to speak, and available at any time as soon as you connect.
Even if change is the only constant in life, what we are experiencing due to the new global circumstances awakes many of our primal fears.
For the first time ever (for many of us) we are confronted with our survival fears and the total unknown. What we knew is not here anymore, the present is so different and the future is full of uncertainty.
In this time of insecurities, it is important to let go to of the fear and to reconnect to the field of Infinite Trust available at the source level.
Fear can weaken your entire system and leave space for disharmony and chaos.
During this ONLINE ThetaTrance Meditation, my spiritual Team THE COUNCIL will concentrate on recreating and expanding this feeling of Infinite Trust and the specific Theme of the evening by clearing all unneeded blockages.
Mind, soul and body will be brought back into harmony through channeled higher vibrating energies.
The mind is freed from limiting beliefs, the soul from old injuries
and physical healing is allowed to happen as a result.
You will be led back to your original being, where your self-healing powers are located and activated. THEN THE DESIRED CHANGES CAN TAKE PLACE.
In an ever-changing environment we are wired to want security. Our brain, in a survival mode, will always try to find the worst-case scenario to protect us. It will rarely direct us toward the most positive possibilities if there is any risk or unknown.
We may believe that if awe expect the worst, we will not be disappointed; but is that really the winning horse you are betting upon. Expecting the worst, will spoil every moment of the now for something which may or may not happen.
The now is the only time offering a full momentum of possibilities. The past is fixed and can’t be changed. The future doesn’t exist, as when it exists it becomes the present, then the past.
In this new meditation’s series, we will concentrate on focusing on transforming the fears, experiences, believes, education… that keep you in the worst-case scenario
We will aim at orientating our energy towards the best possible version of ourself.
We will Prime ourself for perfect health, flourishing relationships, successful business, enriching unfoldments, pride of myself and living my life to the fullest
14.08 Priming for perfect health
28.08 Priming for flourishing relationships
11.09 Priming for successful business
25.09 Priming for enriching enfoldments
9.10 Priming for being proud of myself
23.10 Priming for living my life to the fullest
Balance begins on the insideToday more than ever, being conscious is important. When global changes are taking place, self-nourishment is essential and it can only happen when you know what your needs are.
Conscious of the demands of your unique body, mind and soul,
Conscious of the energies surrounding you, of what is brings the best out of you and what is defeating you.
So many aspects of our life, create disconnection and interferences: the altered food that we eat, the social medias we follow, the pills we take… they all num the feelings, needs you may have or create some you would never have been confronted with.
To be at peace and fulfilled, being present and conscious is essential.
A strong connection to your inner world and body, a willingness to face what is and to accept changes are key to your wellbeing.
In this new healing meditation series, we will concentrate on the connection with the different aspects of your persona in order to improve your wellbeing. Each of those meditation will deepen your understanding of yourself and allows you to achieve a new level of inner connection.
8.05 Checking in with my body
22.05 Checking in with my mind
5.06 Checking in with my soul
19.06 Clearing fear of changes
3.07 Accept to receive
17.07 Opening up to the best version of myself
Balance begins on the inside. It is an inner attitude that creates freedom. Your well-being is no longer dependent on external factors or others. Whatever happens to you or around you will be taken into account, but it will not throw you off balance.
It is a place where there is trust, trust in yourself.
You feel that whatever happens, you have the inner resources to deal with it, to make the right decision and to be in the right place at the right time
When balance is achieved, you find yourself in the center of your own universe. You trust that I will bring out the best for you.
In this new series, we will explore different ways to reconnect to your natural blueprint, that place where balance lies and with it your perfect health and full potential.
14.02 My loving space within
28.02 Dissolving collective reflections
13.03 Transforming self-sabotage
27.03 In acceptance with what is
10.04 Trust in the process of life.
24.04 Achieving balance
We humans are creatures of habit and the older we get, the more we tend to retreat into a sense of false security of what we already know.
Our goal in this new meditation series is to welcome all the possibilities and gifts that life has to offer if you stay open and trust change.
With the support of the energy of my spiritual Team THE COUNCIL we will to ourself to new ways of thinking and behaving, and to give ourself permission to follow our own path, away from your family footsteps or preconceptions.
It's time to transform the old self to open up to life and welcome all the new possibilities of 2024.
11.10 Transforming the fears of change
25.10 I feel safe
8.11 Open to new relationships, with myself and others
22.11 I belong
6.12 I open the doors to new possibilities
20.12 Goodbye 2023, Welcome 2024